Blue Plus Signs Suddenly Appearing

• Jan 3, 2020 - 21:24

I was working on a score and all of a sudden it's like Musescore 3 has completely changed. First of all, little blue plus signs have appeared over every new note I write, regardless of whether there's a time signature problem. Secondly, previously I could enter notes in a 4/4 bar via keyboard and after four beats it would jump to the next bar, but now it just adds notes to the same bar so it doesn't match the same time signature. I don't remember changing any options, so I'm really confused why it changed behavior so suddenly. I tried turning mark irregular measures off but the problem is still ocurring. Hoping someone knows what's happening!

Attachment Size
mscore.png 22.26 KB


Also...I have no idea why the .png is almost pitch black. If you zoom in a lot you can see it...really sorry about that, I haven't used Musescore's screenshot function before.

There is a "transparent background" checkbox on Preferences / Export / PNG. Use it (turn it off).

(I routinely use Dark mode in my email app, so I need it, too, as does anyone else in dark mode seeing my images).

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I think transparent png's are wonderful if you are making them for yourself for use in some pictorial presentation or document or artwork or what-have-you. If you are sending score excerpts to someone else, you have no idea about the background against which they will appear, and transparent doesn't acknowledge that. Both are useful, but I think "not transparent" is a better default, and will cause less confusion and surprise.

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