'To coda' in the middle of a measure ?

• Mar 16, 2020 - 12:10

I tried to put a "to coda" sign above a note within a measure (as shown on the original score), but it did'nt work.
The solution I found was to split the measure in 2.
Any other idea?


In reply to by Raymond Wicquart

Hi Raymond,

The original score is the one that I want to enter in Musescore. I have it on paper. And it shows a "coda" sign (that would be a "To coda" for Musescore) in the middle of some measure. See attached score , measure 6.
My question is more general: is there an other way (than splitting the measure in 2) to get Musescore do what I want (jump to the coda)?


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In reply to by [DELETED] 1471431

Hi, I'm French so I try.....to be clear.....I see the picture, OK, I imagined that, and I ask your purpose because, if you want to re-write this sheet music exactly like it is, you must place the "To Coda" in the middle of the measure, surely, I think, by using SPLIT (I never use it, so I suppose....) but, if you are not obliged to follow exactly the original sheet, simply move the "To Coda" on the barline just before and in the CODA, re-write the beginning of this measure, the only difference is the last eight note which becomes 2 sixteen notes

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