How to change sound in different channels (arco, pizz., trem., etc.)?
I just switched from Musescore 2.0 (finally) and am loving the new stuff in Musescore 3.0 except for the channels. Currently, I am trying to use a soundfont for a cello pizzicato sound, but I can't change the sound in the pizzicato channel; the Mixer only allows me to edit the sound that the arco channel makes. Does anyone have a solution for this? It used to be really easy to change the sounds in all of the channels in Musescore 2.0, so I think there's probably still a way in 3.0, right? Thanks!
At the top-left of the fader, there is a button with a right-arrow. Click it to "unfold" the instrument and show all the channels.
In reply to At the top-left of the fader… by jeetee
Wow, it was right in front of me the whole time! Thank you so much!!