Impossible to switch between gnome workspaces

• May 5, 2020 - 09:27

With musescre 3.4.2,
On ubuntu 18.04 it is impossible to switch between workspaces when musescore is open
I must stay in the musescore one
Maybe it is because I have multi screen ?

Thank You !

I have tested the nightly build and I have the same problems

PS... sorry for my very bad English...


As far as I'm aware MuseScore doesn't have such powers as to force you to view it.
How are you switching workspaces, if it is with a shortcut, then make sure MuseScore isn't configured to also respond to that shortcut.

This problem is only with the flatpak & appimage version of musescore
The snap version works well

Other programs that I have installed with flatpak & appimage works well to

The problem come with mixer or inspector ...
If they are not active, it work...
Appimage / Flatpak / Snap package

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