Musescore changes to insert note permanently unless restart
Hi, I've searched through youtube and forum for solutions and looks like I'm the only one having this bug?
Like musescore would be working fine for the first few minutes using default step time so if I press on my midi keyboard to add notes musescore would nicely add it from one beat to the other.
But after a few minutes musescore would change to insert note permanently so now when I add a note it would add to the existing beat making my notes into chords. No matter how much I change this back to default step time musescore would ignore my instructions.
I've also made sure there are no keyboard shortcuts that are triggering this change and also the notes haven't changed voices. It's just a bug that forces me to restart musescore every 5-10minutes which is annoying.
Anyone have had this problem before?
Using latest musescore version
MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.4-243461245,
revision: 2232670
You wrote:
> It's just a bug that forces me to restart musescore every 5-10minutes which is annoying. <
Next time this occurs, and without restarting, please try to continue by entering notes using the computer keyboard (not the midi keyboard). Does step time then work correctly?
In reply to You wrote: > It's just a bug… by Jm6stringer
Thank you for your response.
Notes can be added using keyboard. However, what happens is that, if I input a crotchet note using the keyboard shortcut while the bug is active, the measure becomes like a 5/4 because now there are 5 crotchet beats in the measure :( And there is like a + sign at the edge of the bar as if to tell me the bar has become expanded. Same thing happens when I choose a semibreve and so forth the bar just becomes larger
In reply to Thank you for your response… by heyheylah2
You wrote:
> ...if I input a crotchet note using the keyboard shortcut while the bug is active, the measure becomes like a 5/4 because now there are 5 crotchet beats in the measure :( And there is like a + sign at the edge of the bar... <
This means that you are in Insert mode:…
When this happens, look at the toolbar:
Does the note input method icon change?
The Insert mode of note entry alters the measure duration (as attested by your noticing the + sign).
This is different from your (earlier) midi keyboard issue:
> when I add a note it would add to the existing beat making my notes into chords. <
Stacking notes into a chord should not alter the measure duration. Entering chords can occur in the default step time note entry mode. So, when your midi keyboard stacks notes into chords, what note input icon shows in the toolbar?
You might consider a factory reset:…
In reply to You wrote: > *...if I input… by Jm6stringer
Hi from the forums I know some people get into the insert mode accidentally but for me the software like just changes into insert mode permanently after a few minutes and even pressing the other modes won't escape it until I restart my application :( it's the constant restarting for me :(..I've also uninstalled the application and installed it with new versions several times.
I haven't tried the factory reset though is that different than what I've done which is uninstall the application completely and installed it again?
In reply to Hi from the forums I know… by heyheylah2
MuseScore regards a user's score files sacrosanct. Neither a program uninstall/install nor a factory reset will mess with them.
A factory reset, though, will correct any wonky user preferences and/or settings which may cause conflicts.
Yours does seem like two different issues though:
1. When the midi keyboard starts stacking notes into chords. (What image does the note input toolbar icon show? The pencil?)
2. When the computer keyboard shifts into Insert mode. (What does the note input toolbar icon show? The crotchet with the + sign?)
In reply to MuseScore regards a user's… by Jm6stringer
Hi, appreciate your replies.
I just did a factory reset, which removed all my keyboard shortcuts and the program loaded as if it was the very first time I used.
Unfortunately the problem came back again.
To answer your question, yes the image shows the note input toolbar icon as pencil, and it's the same if I were to use my keyboard to insert note too but musescore ignores all its settings and forces the insert mode where my notes end up being stacked on top of one another :(.
Basically the default step mode no matter if I click it or not musescore forces the insert mode.
In reply to Hi, appreciate your replies… by heyheylah2
How exactly are you entering notes, detailed step-by-step description?
In reply to Hi, appreciate your replies… by heyheylah2
Be mindful of the fact that here, in your particular situation, the use of the generic term "keyboard" can imply either "midi keyboard' or "computer keyboard", so be more specific when you write. For instance, avoid a phrase like this:
>'s the same if I were to use my keyboard to insert note too... <
Also, you wrote:
> ...musescore ignores all its settings and forces the insert mode where my notes end up being stacked on top of one another. <
> Basically the default step mode no matter if I click it or not musescore forces the insert mode. <
For clarity here, the stacking of notes into chords should not be called "insert mode".
This is insert mode:
> If I input a crotchet note using the keyboard shortcut... the measure becomes like a 5/4 because now there are 5 crotchet beats in the measure :( And there is like a + sign at the edge of the bar as if to tell me the bar has become expanded. <
...which has its own note input toolbar icon of a crotchet with a + sign. (See my image of the note entry toolbar which I posted earlier.)
[[N.B.: If you have only one or two notes to insert, you can do this directly even with the default Step time note input activated. Press Ctrl+Shift (Mac: Cmd+Shift) while adding the note by mouse or computer keyboard shortcut (A-G).]]
Please try to answer Jojo's question as accurately as possible.
This may include adding a potential fact like this:
That during note entry, your midi keyboard requires extra key press(es) to specify what octave a note may be in (if it does not have a full complement of 88 keys, but rather some subset).
Also, mentioning your OS (operating system) and the model of your midi keyboard may help.
In reply to Be mindful of the fact that… by Jm6stringer
Hi I'm using windows 10 64 bit and Komplete s88.
I've uploaded two videos to streamables, one with the bug active while using midi keyboard and the other while using computer keyboard (because you asked me to do so). I've described the bug as per video. Any solutions would be much appreciated!
Bug would suddenly activate itself. Like I start the program, and after inserting a few bars of notes (everything working perfectly) then bug activates and now I'm in this weird mode. I call it the insert mode. But I think you said it shouldn't be called the insert mode so can you clarify what mode this bug is taking me into?