Voltas looking and playing right

• Jan 5, 2025 - 01:18

I've done voltas > 1 repeat before, according to https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/voltashttps://musescore.org/en/hand…
and they were fine. In case it matters, I just updated Muse Score, like last week, to the latest MS.

I have one where I want it to repeat the 1st ending 3x Then on the 4th time I want it to do the 2nd ending. It currently doesn't show that or do that (see screenshot 0)
even though I (think I) did what I think the above doc said: notably
I went to the properties of the first volta and I set the repeat list to "1,2,3" (see screenshot 1)
I went to the properties of the 2nd volta and set the repeat list to 4 ?? (see screenshot 2)
Then I also went to the bar of the first volta with the repeat in it (2 bar volta) and set the play count to 4 (makes no sense but that's what it says to do.) (see screenshot 3)

Is it an issue in the latest version, and if not, what critical detail am I forgetting?
Nothing changed in the appearance of my score.... which is the most important thing here.

Attachment Size
Screen Shot 0.png 90.8 KB
Screen Shot 1.png 99.11 KB
Screen Shot 2.png 78.1 KB
Screen Shot 3.png 202.98 KB


Can you attach the score (the MSCZ file), please? It's much easier to trouble-shoot than reading text and looking at screenshots.

Why do you say that setting the play count to 4 makes no sense? The play count is applied to the repeat of the whole section, not the volta. You want 3 of one series of bars and then 1 with a different ending, that's a play count of 4.

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