[1.0] Lyrics limits effectiveness of Staff Distance

• Apr 1, 2011 - 10:07

I know there are posts related to this point, but I could not find one which addresses this specific aspect.

Setup: MuseScore 1.0 rev. 4140 (self-compiled under Win XP, Qt SDK 2010-02, Qt lib 4.6.2), but the same thing applies to released 1.0 too (it possibly also applies to trunk, but I have not run specific tests).

Steps:: Loads the attached sample scores.

All scores contains 10 voices with just one note and a lyric syllable each. The difference between them is only the "Style | Edit General Style... | Page | Staff Distance" parameter: namely 10.5sp, 10.4sp, 10.3sp, 0.0sp. All other parameters use default values.

Result: Down to 10.4sp the distance between staves decreases (the 10.4 example is slightly smaller than the 10.5 example). But, below 10.4sp, the staff distance does NOT decrease anymore: the 0.0sp example is tall exactly the same as the 10.4 example.

An image is also attached showing a direct comparison between the scores.

Expected result: it should be possible to reduce the actual staff distance to whatever value the user needs / thinks appropriate.

Very small values might make little sense in most occasions, but the user is ultimately responsible for the format/layout and the program should not "take over" and force a layout.


1) Without any lyrics, the staff distance can be effectively reduced down to 0, having the staves touching each other. So, the issue is a consequence of the lyrics.

2) Taking into account the default values of 2sp for lyrics top and bottom margin, this means that the lyrics itself is taking up 6.4sp (10.4 - 2 - 2), i.e. the sole presence of the lyrics takes away, vertically, more than one time and a half of staff height (normal staff is 4sp high by definition).

This is way too much and much more than the actual height of the lyrics text.


Trunk has the same issue, albeit a little smaller:

By reducing the lyrics top and bottom margins to 0.0, the minimum effective staff distance is 4.0sp: any value in "Staff distance" lower than 4.0sp has no effect.


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