measure property - no effect

• Mar 4, 2016 - 23:03

In the attached score, I've altered the measure>property>stretch for many measures just fine,
BUT for meas 5 & 6 altering the "stretch" has no effect.

Why, what have I done to make these two measures different/unique/broken from the other measures?

Attachment Size
Side Effects 8ths.mscz 14.54 KB


The measures 1-4 fill up the 1st line. Therefore the measures 5 and 6 have to go to 2nd line. But the 2nd line is ended by a line break. Therefore these 2 measures have to fill up the 2nd line and cannot shrink even when you diminish their stretch.
I don't know which effect you want to achieve but perhaps you will delete the line break at the end of measure 6.

As already mentioned, there are only two measures on that line (i.e. system) along with a line break. You can stretch or shrink an individual measure (which will affect the other measure); however, deleting the line break will allow for more adjustments - including over multiple measures.

What exactly are you trying to do?


Actually, it's not true that changing the stretch has no effect on measures 5 & 6.

If you select both measures, then there is no way that *decreasing* the strethc could ever do anything - the line break prevents MuseScore from adding more measures to the system, and the previous measure is already too full to accept another measure with that many notes, no matter how much you reduce stretch. If you want more measures on the first system, you need to reduce of *those* measures* too.

But, if you *increase* the stretch on measures 5 & 6 by a large enough amount, you will eventually make it so it can no longer fit both measures on the same system - you'll get measure 5 on one system, measure 6 on the next.

Also, as mentioned, if you apply stretch to measures 5 & 6 *individually*, you'll certainly see the effect immediately.

Keep in mind: MuseScore always right-justifies (fills) systems to full width of the page. So the measure width you see is not the *actual* width of the measure - it is the width after this fill has been applied. What stretch does is affect the "actual" width of the measure - the width it has *before* the fill process.

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