Many repeats and coda

• Mar 11, 2016 - 09:47

Hey, i would want to learn this but it just doesnt work. I am new to notation in general, so maybe i dont know if this kind of repeats are even possible, or maybe i just dont know how to mark it. To me it looks kind of clear but MuseScore is not thinking same, lol. (MuseScore is not playing it back like it should)

Anyway, here is how the song should go:

-From the start repeat, play till the 1. volta, then back to start repeat.
-Play the 2nd volta (2.) and SOLO, till the END repeat.
-Go back to the first START repeat and play 3. and back to START and then 4. and SOLO again till the END repeat.
-Then one more time back to the first START repeat, play the 5. and back to START repeat and and then play 6. but this time skip the SOLO and go to Coda.

Here's how i tried to do it


MuseScore session file if someone wants to help with it :)

TTT coda.mscz


This is not correct notation, I'm afriad. The only correct use of a Coda is in conjunction with a DS or DC - a jump from somewhere later in the score bac to somewhere earlier, to be followed by the jump to coda. Since you have no DS or DC, there is never as time when a human performer or MuseScore would know to take the coda. I guess maybe the repeat you have in measure 29 shuld proabbly be a DS, with the segno back at measure 12 (nested repeats are also not correct notation).

In reply to by SkyLind

You may have misunderstood. Nested repeats - when you have one repeat inside another are always incorrect. You have one of those, and you need to get rid of it, by replacing the repeat at the end of the piece with a DS as I suggested. So you don't need to "learn" nested repeats; you need to eliminate them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry, i dont get which repeat is nested :(
... oh do you mean the "TO CODA" inside the 2. 4. 6 repeat endings? If that is the one, can you tell me how to mark it down so that a player skips the "solo" part of the song on 6t time? and how, with D.S. marking, i can mark it so that the tune is played 3 times from the first repeat, so that the SOLO is skipped on third time???

In reply to by SkyLind

A nested repeat is a repeat inside of a repeat - I mean actual repeat barlines, not the coda signs etc. You have an "outer" repeated section (measures 5 - 29) but inside of that, you have an "inner" repeated section (measures 5 - 20). Each closing repeat needs to have its own unique opening repeat they can't share - and the no two repeated sections can overlap. Otherwise, musicians will not be able to understand which repeats opening repeats go with which closing repeats.

So to fix it, you need to change the outer repeat to a DS as I said. You would need to do this even if there weren't a nested repeat, becasue as I said, "to Coda" only has meaning after a DS or a DC. If there is no DS or DC, then no one would ever jump to the coda - it indicates a jump that happens only after the DS or DC. So get rid of the closing repeat in measure 29 and add a "DS al Coda", then add a segno to measure 5.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks. Does this look any better:


If this is correct, then how do tell the player to play TWO times the whole piece till Coda to Segno, and then again Coda to Segno?

Also, a different song: this is another problem i have: How do mark this so that player plays the yellow part on both times: (at least MuseScore repeats it only on the first time)


(the images seem to be cropped so click them to view the whole pic)

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