Chord and slash combination.

• Apr 10, 2011 - 22:29

Hi there,

this is my first post to the forum. I use musescore fairly regularly for score and part writing and would like to start using it for several chord sheets I have (currently on MS word)

I know how to use slashes, i know how to insert chords, is there any way of combining the two as in this example?

My reasoning, I want to save space on my rhythm lead sheets and keep the chords in readable size 18pt font. Doing it like this saves 50% space!

Any advice?




If I wanted to create that, I'd probably try something along these lines:

- fill a measure with slashes normally (middle line quarter notes, properties, stemless, slash head, velocity user/0)
- hide the first and third notes
- fill the chart with copies of this measure
- edit the chordname text style to set the Y parameter to something in the 2-5 range (experiment; whatever it takes to get chords where you want them vertically)
- enter your chords on beats 1 & 3

The spacing isn't great, so you might experiment with variations on this idea. Or you can just double click your slashes one by one and move them over with the cursor. Also, if your chords don't come regularly every two beats, you might just fill the chart with slashes and then hide the ones you want later. And more fiddling will be required if you want to do things like you see in bars 3-4, where rhythms are used too. But that's how I'd go about the basic combination - creating the slashes, hiding the ones that will be replaced by chords, then entering the chords after setting an appropriate Y parameters in the text style, then doing manual adjustment.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I've never seen that behavior either. But FWIW, the only reason I mentioned setting velocity to 0 is so the slashes don't play back. That can be annoying when playing back a larger score that has slashes in the rhythm section or soloist parts, but there's basically no reason to even try playing back a chord chart like what you are creating - there would be nothing to play. So if for reason it does keep creating xcircles even though you are explicitly setting the dropdown to slashes, I'd just skip the velocity step.

BTW, the one enhancement I'd like to see in MuseScore that would help this as well as other situations would be for chord symbols to be taken into consideration in spacing. Right now, MuseScore is happy to let chord symbols collide with other elements. I wouldn't expect it to avoid *all* possible collisions, but at the very least, I'd like an option to have MuseScore automatically space my music so chord symbols don't collide with each other. That wouldn't specifically help this situation, unless maybe you also added invisible chords on the empty beats. Or chords consisting of just a non-printing character, which I know I've succeeded in creating before. An option to also avoid collisions with notes sounds good too, but I'm not sure what I'd expect it to do in the case of a chord symbol above the staff directly above a note that also above the staff (ledger lines). I think I'd prefer to fix those up myself.

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