PDF version of Handbook out of date

• Apr 11, 2011 - 02:48

First of all, thank you for this fabulous software. I have used a number of different notation programs over the years but this program is more functional for me than anything I have used in the past. I just downloaded MuseScore 1.0 today and entered a test leadsheet to try things out. I was reading the downloaded PDF version of the Handbook on my iPad while working on my desktop computer. I was having trouble with the shortcut for entering rests. I found out that the latest Handbook has changed but the downloaded PDF version is out of date.


The pdf of the online handbook is generated just before each release. The previous release was in February, so indeed some handbook pages are for sure changed already. Next release is not scheduled yet.

Since the program includes a local copy of the handbook, which is more up-to-date than the PDF version that is available as a download and the web site has an on-line version of the Handbook, perhaps there is no need to have a downloadable PDF version. There would be fewer versions to maintain.

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