Playback key not changing

• Apr 12, 2011 - 14:44

No matter what key I choose for a score, playback remains in the same key (concert pitch I believe). I was able to have the playback reflect the current key a few days back, but now cannot duplicate the behavior. I'm using version 1.0 with Ubuntu 10.04, and the behavior is the same whether I pipe through jack or not. Any help appreciated.


In reply to by storyman

Ok. So now can you explain exactly what you are doing? What you expect and what's happen?

What I did :

  1. Play and listen
  2. Ctrl + A
  3. Notes -> Tranpose
  4. Choose C major
  5. The score is transposed down and the keysignature is changing
  6. Play : the score is played lower

Merely hitting the concert pitch button to display a score as transposed *shouldn't* affect playback. Nor should merely changing the key signature change the notes - they should continue to display and play the same (just different accidentals). You would have to actually transpose the notes to get them to display and playback differently. You do this by using the Transpose function, which does allow you to enter a new key signature and it will automatically transpose everything correctly. And then it should playback in the new key.

In reply to by storyman

Weird because I tested it several ways and they all worked:

1. Select all, transpose (closest, up and down)
2. Not "select all" and the transpose function will ask "There's nothing selected. Transpose whole score?". Tried several combinations of closest, up, down.

In reply to by storyman

Now I think I know what happened. I would have only one note or even a rest selected before using the transpose command. The transpose window then only shows the transpose by interval option. Only the selected note would transpose, not the entire score. Chalk this up being a newbie.

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