Need help with formatting

• Mar 18, 2016 - 00:19

So I'm trying to input two trumpet parts for The Chimes of Liberty into musescore, so its easier to read them, and after about forty measures, instead of having four beats at the end of a phrase, it has two, and the next bar (which is indented) starts with a pickup measure. Can anyone help me with this? I can send pictures of what I'm talking about


Pictures would definitely help, but I think all you need to do is enter the full measure, then click on the third beat and split it with Edit > Measure > Split Measure.

Based on the images you emailed me:

1. Split the measure, as stated.
2. Select the barline in the middle, and double-click the double barline in the Barlines palette.
3. Click on the first half-measure, and double-click the line break in the Breaks and Spacers palette (or press [Enter]).
4. Click on the second half-measure, and double-click the horizontal frame in the Frames and Measures palette.
5. Right-click on the frame and choose Add > Text.
6. Type "TRIO" and you're done.

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