instance of misplaced notes vs ledger line using cross-staff beaming

• Mar 24, 2016 - 11:54

MuseScore 2.02, windows 10 PC
Please see measure 14 of the attached.
In the right-hand piano part, if the cross-staffed beam in the first half of the measure is moved up to above the notes (so as to be like the measures before & after it), the b4/c4 notes shift to the right, however the ledger lines do not move to match.
I'm only trying to do this to stay faithful to the source document; I'm not aware of any other need to make the change in where the beams lay. Still, MuseScore should be able to do this without any issues.

The problem seems to occur whenever two notes have to "share" the same ledger line when cross-staff beaming is used, and the beams are moved to above the notes. It is easily reproduced in any similar measures in the attached piece.


Attachment Size
10 Hor ich das Liedchen klingen.mscz 30.76 KB


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