Automatic beam similarity requested.

• Apr 8, 2016 - 18:16


When using 2 or more voices in a part, often the stems and therefore the beams will be varied, some above, some below as per voice.

When the voices share a rhythm, it is often convenient to make the appear as one voice notationally and have the stems and beams for both either up or down.

At the moment when I "Ctrl-x" the beam I want to change, the position is relative only to that voice, not the combined voices, so I end up with 2 beams where there should only be one. I then have to select it and move it. It is similar with flags, one then has to make the errant flag invisible.

It would be terrific if the program would automatically adjust beaming and flags so that common rhythms (for example 4 eighth notes) appeared as sharing the common durations.

Example attached:

Attachment Size
beam flagss.mscz 4.53 KB


Hi! I'm not sure I understand your request. Normally, the whole reason for entering two voices would be to have spearate stems, flags, and beams. If you want the notes to share stems / beams / flags, you'd normally just enter them in a single voice. I guess there might be a few speciual cases where for some unusual reason one needws to enter notes into different voices but wants them to share stems / flags / beams, but I don't see how MuseScore could know when that is what you want. Your example, for instance, looks completely correct to me as is for music in which you do in fact want to have two voices.

If you want to combine the two voices into one, try selecting the passage then either pressing the "Voice 1" button on the main toolbar, or use Edit / Tools / Implode. They work differently, with different strengths and weaknesses, but in your example, they both produce the result I am thinking you want. Implode has the advantage in this case of cleaning up the no-longer-needed rests.

If you mean something different, could you explain your usage in more detail?>

In reply to by xavierjazz

There is a subtle difference, though, in performance execution between the two versions.

In your original - with 2 distinct parts - voice 2 rests for the complete beat #4 of measure 1.
When combined into two note 'chords' via implode (or same voice) that distinction is lost. It may (or not) be important. It's only noticeable if two different instruments are reading from the same staff.



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