Help with PDF and Troubleshooting Musescore

• Apr 10, 2016 - 04:47

I need help fast. ASAP. I made an account for the sole purpose of converting my score into a PDF, because now Musescore fails to start up. Recently after clicking the icon to start up the program, it completely freezes the computer. I have Windows 8 (and I can see I'm not the only one with the problem). I updated to 2.0.3, but it didn't help. I tried factory reset, but to no avail. Since the program doesn't open, I want to now convert it to PDF (or better, MusicXML) so I can finish the score. I need to finish it as soon as possible;I'm trying to surprise someone in the orchestra who requested it, and we need time to rehearse the song before the concert. She loved my arrangements. I've tried the PDF converter, but it claims the score isn't even .mscz! From the computer files, that is the file type, so I don't know what to do anymore. Unless someone can do it for me, I need to figure out how to convert the file. My priority is converting the file so I can finish the score in Finale Notepad and print it!

Attachment Size
Kingdom_Hearts.mscz 45.54 KB


In reply to by Thomas

When I downloaded it, it came up as a mxl (compressed). Finale Notepad is failing to recognize the file. Can I download it as a regular xml file?

edit: Never mind, I imported it and now it works. A little screwed up looking, but I might be able to fix that.

See the Handbook under "Known incompatibilites" to see if any of that might explain your issues. If not, please start a new thread and provide as much information as you can about your system. In general, MuseScore *does* work on Windows 8 just fine.

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