Playing multiple grace notes in PC

• May 15, 2011 - 21:32

I'd like to ask if MuseScore can play multiple grace notes? I have two 1/16 grece notes befere note and they are omitted during playback. (Musescore 1.0, Windows 7/Fedora 14).

Is it a problem with MusiScore or with sythesiser?
If I connect my computer through MIDI to Casio Celviano piano will grace notes be played?
Doubled grace notes are not colored blue during playback.

I don't want to put this thread into "Support and bug requests" forum because I am Musiscore beginner and maybe I have missed something in documentation.

Best regards,


MuseScore ignores most ornaments during playback -- trills, mordents, turns (gruppetti), some grace notes, etc. The reasons stated are principally that there are so many interpretations possible that there is no way to satisfactorily implement them to satisfy everyone.* (Some musicologists hold that the interpretations varied from town to town in the baroque era.) For these reasons, I generally agree with this decision not to try to interpret them in MuseScore.

I generally create two versions of a baroque piece -- one for printing purposes, where I use the ornament signs themselves, and a second for playback where I write out those passages in conventional notation. It’s a little extra work, but I usually get exactly the realization I want.
*In the case of J.S. Bach it is, fortunately, much clearer since he wrote out the interpretations for most of his commonly used ornaments for his son, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. (See

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