Changing time signature changes note pitch

• May 31, 2011 - 16:22

v1.0 Windows 7 64bit

I have a downloaded midi in 6/8 which seemed fine in Musescore.
I then imported it to FLStudio (which seems to convert everything into 4/4) & exported it again with no changes. Opened the exported file in Musescore and changed the time signature back to 6/8. Expected problems due to bar line moves affecting ties/slurs and note length. Duly noticed some. Thought it was just an inevitable loss due to FLStudio, but then noticed that the pitch of a note appeared different. Not sure if it is that or just one note disappearing. I assume it can't just be a FL corrupted file because Musescore reads it fine and just produces this change when changing the time signature.

I also tried taking the original midi & then changing time signatures in Musescore 6/8>4/4>6/8, but found that the conversion just inserted rests in the 4/4 version which it happily removed again to go back to 6/8. I'm not sure adding rests is what I would really mean by a time signature change, but couldn't find a setting to change this behaviour.

I did try looking for the problem in the forums, but did not find an exact match. I can see it is a difficult thing for Musescore to do though.

I will try uploading the original FL exported midi file again (1st time it crashed in Opera - trying Chrome now - & I lost the content of my post). The problem is visible on the gt.1 stave, 2nd bar.

Attachment Size
FLbmt.mid 50.14 KB


Without knowing exactly what note you mean or what exact series of steps you followed, I'm guessing it's far more likey it's a case of a note disappearing on the time signature change than a note changing pitch. That is, the two notes you are comparing are probably not the same note in the first place; that's why they have different pitches.

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