Importing MIDI files from Cubase

• Jun 5, 2011 - 04:32

Hi guys,

I'm trying to learn my way around MuseScore, and I'm having some trouble.

I've got a piano piece in Cubase which I'd like to polish up and make presentable in MuseScore. So, I'm importing, but immediately, there are all sorts of strange inconsisties.

1) What were dotted minims in cubase are now minims tied to crotchets. Lots of other notes are also strangely presented. How do I sort them back out? Is there a way to do it en masse?

2) How do I change the number of bars per line? There are eleven, and I'd prefer around four.

3) The top stave is indented, with the MIDI track name taking up space to its left. No header title. How do I delete the indented one and add a header?

Any/all help much appreciated.


Midi is not the best format for carrying scores information. If you are using Cubase > 4.1, you shoud be able to export as MusicXML and open the MusicXML in MuseScore. It should be a lot more effective.

As mentioned, MIDI is not a verygood format for this sort of thing, so aside from fixing things up by hand, I don't think there are any good options here. It's often easier to just recreate a score from scratch than to use MIDI.

As for the layout, that's easy enough to control. MuseScore normally its as many measures on a line as it can using the parameters you have set under Layout->Page->scaling and the various settings in Style->Edit General Style )see the Page, System, and Measure sections in particular. You can force MuseScore to squeeze more measures on a given line by shrink the scaling for those measures (Layout->Add Less Stretch), or do the reverse to fit more. You can also use Breaks to force line breaks wherever you want.

To edit or delete the instrument name, right click the staff and select Staff Properties. To add a title, see Create->Text.

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