Project with no display

• May 4, 2016 - 08:39


Nothing is displayed when I load the attached project, but I don't understand why.
Does someone could tell me what is wrong in this file?




In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I edited the file with Beyond compare that can edit zip file.

I compared the file you provided and my first attachment. I noticed there are not using the same version of PKZIP.
Your file is version 0014 (that correspond to version 2.O).
Mine is version 000A (I don't know to which version it corresponds).
May that be the problem?

There is a META-INF\container.xml file Inside the *.mscz which advises MuseScore what files are included in the "package". Usually it is just the *.mscx file but sometimes also some imported graphics or other objects.

The *mscz file you have attached (when looked at as a ZIP) seems to have two entries (versions) to the compressed *.mscx file:

  1. without unicode characters
  2. with unicode (UTF-8 ?) characters

When unpacking, MuseScore compares the first one to the file name extracted from container.xml. As the latter is UTF-8 encoded, it does not match therefore it shows no content.

I was having similar issues when I was trying to rename the *.mscx file within a *.mscz using an external zip utility (WinRar, TotalCommander) without updating container.xml at the same time.

Those two names must match. Also make sure, your zip utility supports unicode names.

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