File Corrupted

• May 4, 2016 - 13:43

Hi everyone. Late last night I was finishing working on a piece for my senior solo, and after I was done I saved, closed, and reopened the file to make sure nothing was wrong with it. Well, there was. Somehow between closing the file and reopening it it corrupted, and now past around measure 16 everything is screwed up.
Measure 18 Staff 3 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 8/8
Measure 18 Staff 4 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 8/8
Measure 18 Staff 5 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 8/8
Measure 19 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 4/4
Measure 19 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 4/4
Measure 19 Staff 3 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 4/4
Measure 19 Staff 4 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 4/4
Measure 19 Staff 5 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 4/4
Measure 20 Staff 1 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 4/4
Measure 20 Staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 4/4
Measure 20 Staff 3 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 8/8
Measure 20 Staff 4 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 8/8
Measure 20 Staff 5 incomplete. Expected: 2/4; Found: 8/8
This is what's written in the changelog, from 18 all the way up to 90 (the end of the piece) even though it seems to start a few measures earlier. I looked up how you're supposedly supposed to fix the score, through other posts and here: But either I don't understand how to do it or it just isn't working. If anyone could help I would really appreciate it. I have the file attatched if that helps anyone.

Attachment Size
Euphemia_Edited.mscz 30.08 KB


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