Dynamics not working (Still!)

• May 10, 2016 - 21:25
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

So I am having the same problem many other people have had: I drag on the dynamic symbols yet they do not affect the sound. This is only true for a few measures but is fine for most of the piece. I have tried doing command-a and resetting the velocity yet the problem persists.

Thanks for any help.

Attachment Size
The Fun Thing.mscz 53.29 KB


This type of question should ideally end up in the forums; If you do happen to hit a real bug and file a bug report, please have a look at https://musescore.org/en/developers-handbook/how-write-good-bug-report-….
This is not a major item, and the assigned field is meant to contain the developer working on an implementation/fix in the code.

That being said, if you do post your score with the question in the forum, please also include which markings aren't working; don't expect us to go through 130 measures and test each and every dynamic for each and every staff in there.