Non Specific Text Block??

• Jun 12, 2011 - 23:19

I may have missed something, but there seems to be no way to place a non-specific block of text on the page in MuseScore.

By non-specific I mean general instructions to players, teaching notes, organ registrations and other random text requirements that may be wanted.

All the text at the moment comes under defined blocks - Title, Subtitle, Composer, Lyricist, Copyright etc This is fine most of the time, but there are occasions when you need to enter a block of text which doesn't come under these categories.

Obviously Lyrics are not the way forward for this!

The only other way seems to be to create System or Stave text blocks, but these seem to be designed to be attached to specific notes.


To put text in between staves, you can create a vertical frame (edit -> Measure -> add vertical frame). Then right click on it and add an horizontal frame. Eight click the horizontal frame and add text.

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