Prior Rests of Multi-Voices

• May 12, 2016 - 04:35

If a note is changed from voice-1 to voice-2 in the middle of a measure (not in Note-Entry Mode but the regular mode) then voice-2-rests after it are formed, but not before it. This means I can't go immediately before it to enter a note .

Here is a regular measure with a note in the middle
Now if i want to make that note second-voiced, I just click it and press voice-2 and get
But now what if I want to add a quarter note right before it in the second-voice? I can't move backward! I can enter into Note-Entry mode, but doing so and pressing the left arrow key jumps to the beginning of the measure

I can't get to the second position (the imagined 2nd-quarter position) until I enter some bogus note and then a rest is formed after it, and then I have to delete the note first entered. Am I missing something or a technique?

So: here's entering a random note
And now I can enter a note at the desired location, but first deleting the bogus note
What I'm essentially arguing is that when originally that first note changed to voice-2, MuseScore ought to have produced previous rests as well as post rests like this:

Or am I thinking incorrectly? Any thoughts are much appreciated :)


Why add a bogus note on beat one and then delete it?
When the cursor jumps to beat one, enter a rest (press 0). This will advance the cursor without notating a pitch.


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