Problem with Crescendo and Diminuendo

• May 14, 2016 - 10:03

I am writing a piece which has a crescendo immediatly followed by a diminuendo, but im having trouble making it work. For example, if a Bassoon solo is marked as pianissimo followed by a cresc. and a dim., the following notes will be played at a higher dynamic than pianissimo. If i put in new notes after the Bassoon solo and mark them pianissimo, the crescendo and diminuendo of the Bassoon solo will cease to function. Why is this?


MuseScore tries to guess how much the volume should change when putting in cresc/dim. It does so by looking at the preceding and following dynamic markings.

The result of the analysis in your situation would be:
1. start off with pianissimo
2. found a crescendo, the marking before is pianissimo, find the first marking after (whichever that is and no matter how many measures further it is) and assume that to be the desired end volume. (let's say a mezzoforte was found) --> cresc from pianissimo to mezzoforte
3. found a diminuendo, the volume before is mezzoforte (created by the crescendo in step 2), the volume after is the first marking that could be found, which would be the same marking as in step 2 --> dim from mezzoforte to mezzoforte --> no change.

The solution is to either put in a(n invisible?) marking between and after the hairpins, or to set the velocity change of the hairpin explicitly using the inspector (F8).
See also the last paragraph of

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