Percussion Trio - Multiple Staffs

• Jun 18, 2011 - 17:33

I am using MuseScore to write a multi-percussion piece for a percussion trio. I can't seem to figure out how to make separate staffs for each player. All I have so far is the beginning part for Player 1 in which he uses a bass drum and snare drum. Currently those are on two different connected staffs because I just used the "create instrument" feature. If I could move those to one staff that would be great, or if someone could instruct me on how to create a new staff that's not connected to the first one I would much appreciate it. When I go to add the instruments for Player 2, the add instrument feature still puts it onto staff one. Thanks for the help!


I don't really understand what you are asking here, but but in the Instruments dialog, you can either add staves to an existing instrument or add an new instrument. Sounds like maybe you are doing one when you'd rather do the other. Maybe you could explain better - with screen shots if possible - what you mean?

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