
• Jun 27, 2011 - 10:17

I'm working on a saxophone quartet score and I've got a problem with MuseScore that I've not come across before. It plays the first repeated section then jumps into the second time bar before repeating and just carries on doing this every repeat. It doesn't seem to want to go into the 2nd time bar and carry on as it should. I've deleted and re entered the 1st and 2nd time bars and it made no difference. So either I've done something wrong with this particular score, or my MuseScore has acquired a bug from somewhere.

I should be grateful if someone could check to see if it behaves as I describe it on their MuseScore, and if it does, advise me what the problem might be.


Attachment Size
Elite Syncopations.mscz.mscx 172.68 KB


OK Sorry..........senior moment.............I can see what I've done wrong. Forget I posted. Can't see how to remove the post.

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