Export MIDI

• May 28, 2016 - 21:17

When I export a mscz music score file making the score into a MIDI file there appears to be two problems:

1) Given how simple this file is, the conversion to MIDI has two measures that are not as written. The mscz file is unchanged.

2) If I change the MIDI file to reflect and change the two measures to what appears in the mscz file (which the program allows me to do) and then execute another export, when I close the MIDI file the program asks if I want to save the file. By saying yes, the original mscz file is rewritten and it looks like the MIDI file even though it is not and the two measures are still wrong and with the second MIDI export the MIDI file remains unchanged.

What is going on???

Please advise.

Thank you, Robin Sizemore


It's impossible to do more than guess unless you attach the score you are having problems with and steps to reproduce the problem. In general, MIDI is *not* a good format to use for notation purposes - it's for playback nly, really. It is not designed to represent written music at all; just the sound. So lots of details will be lost because MIDI has no concept of written music.

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