Wrong stem direction for beamed groups

• May 30, 2016 - 00:57

Refer to Behind Bars, page 24.
When there are unequal numbers of notes on either side of the middle line, the majority of stems go in the 'correct' direction.


We happen to do the exception case (minority of notes are much further) she gives correctly:

Checked in 2.0.3 and master.

Attachment Size
wrongStemOnBeamed.mscz 4.69 KB


There are different rules followed by different editors. We follow the one that I think is probably most widely observed: the beam direction isn't determined by the majority, but rather by which note is furthest from the middle line, and in case of tie, stems go down.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think it is often good to interpret this rule a bit loosely--whichever exact rule you follow. Things are more easily readable if the stem direction doesn't flip all the time. So I like to keep the stems in the same direction over longer stretches even if maybe one group is against the rule. This is even more true if you have longish slurs over several groups.
But obviously this would be hard to automate.

In reply to by azumbrunn

Right. Our genera philosophy is doing reasonable, consistent, and predictable things by default, and make it easy to override. I think what we do here nails this pretty well. A style option to force the Gould rule rather than the (more?) common one we follow would be fine too, but I am not crazy about trying to guess when a user night subjectively want to switch between the rules as Gould suggests. That's what the "X" command is for.

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