Change of key signature

• May 31, 2016 - 21:32

I have just joined MuseScore and looking for help with changing the Key of a complete piece of music.
I bought digital sheet music on line and could not change the key before buying,when I contacted the supplier I was told that the key change facility was being repaired and they didn't know when it would be back on line.
So I was told MuseScore would be able to help,it will be greatly appreciated if someone could tell me what I need to do.


In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Hi Isaac,
Thank you very much for your reply,
I dont understand all the formats,the file was downloaded from Yamaha musicsoft and I have it downloaded to my laptop at present,I will read the instructions now and try and work round it.
I will update my post when I have completed the transpose.
Kind regards and thanks for the welcome

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