Need a Musescore expert - can pay.

• Jun 2, 2016 - 09:01

I am trying to turn my MIDI files into a nice score, and need somebody to help walk me through the process and learn the software. Not a ton of tutoring required, just showing me how to get done what I need done. It's how I learn best.

Please get back to me if you can do it in the next 24 hours.


I think it depends on the complexity of the midi files if it is possible in the next 24 hour.

A good begin could be to attache an example file for a walkthrough or for getting advices and tips and tricks.

And in my opinion it is better to make a donation for the Musescore project ;-).

In reply to by kuwitt

Well one thing I would really like to do is import separate MIDI files into the same project.

i.e. import the 1st violin part, then import the 2nd violin, the viola, and the cello...

On separate staves. Even this simple task is beyond me.

Happy to make donations to the project, or to any individual who can spare some time to help me.

In reply to by Nocturnalist

The easiest way I see is in this case is to import the the midi files, add in one score (for example 1st violin) the instruments of the other instruments (2nd violin, viola, cello) and copy and paste the instruments from the other midi files (to copy a whole stave: you can select a measure and then press ctrl+shift+end, than copy and paste it).

I'm back in about nine hours and can take a further look to this topic. But there are a lot of Musescore experts in this forum to give advices ;-).

In reply to by kuwitt

kuwitt's advice are good.
To get anything better, you will need to share the MIDI files. One thing that you need to grasp is that a MIDI file is no a sheet music and if you have a MIDI files of a string quartet, you will not have a good playable sheet music just by importing the MIDI files. You will have some work to make it better, work that only a musician can do (add articulations, dynamics, etc... for example)

By the way some basic resources to get familiar with Musescore, if you've some spare time (but probably you're aware of them):

the videos of Dr. George Hess…

and the Musescore file "getting started" (see attach).

From time to time I'm also taking a look of them to remember on some basics although I'm working with Musescore a few years.

But don't hesitate to ask further questions for your special request so users who are more familiar can give you advices.

Attachment Size
Getting_Started_English.mscz 43.5 KB

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