Can somebody help with this file? What is wrong with it?

• Jun 8, 2016 - 18:31

I am very sorry to have to do this to you, but I can't find a better solution.

The attached file was typeset (transcribed) over a few sessions (OS X Yosemite, MS 2.0.3.), then I started proof reading when I noticed that MS was working very slowly (I mean very, several seconds for a command to be executed) and eventually once blocked my computer so I had to restart by turning off the power.
The file is quite large and it was a tad slow at the end of the transcription, but I am used to that. This is different. Can somebody take a look at the file and see if there is a problem?

Ir this is too much work let me know and I'll haveto delete it and start over.

I tried to find out how to open the backup file, but could not find it in the Apple documentation. Does anybody know how to do this on a Mac? (Apple's documentation isn't nearly as clear as the one for Musescore; apparently they think it is intuitive, hence no instructions needed...).

Attachment Size
Gross Quartet 1 4.mscz 73.92 KB


In reply to by robert leleu

Thanks so much to everybody!

I closed the navigator and--bingo--it is as fast as it has ever been. I had picked up hints about navigator slowing things down, but never guessed the effect would be this large (I had assumed it was more about perfectionism than practicalities--not that perfectionism isn't a virtue for designers of software).

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