vst sound

• Jun 12, 2016 - 12:47

hi, i need help about vst sound.
i downloaded a file and i open it with musescore, and then i could use the sound.
but now i dont have that file and i cant do this because it says that musescore cant read the file.
the old file i used was the same type as normal vst (FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3) it had something like sf in the end.
i wanna use vst sound easily, without jack or something, please help.


MuseScore currently doesn't have inbuilt VST support.

The only way to use VST is via JACK (and preferably Carla)

Maybe this will change for a future version of MuseScore, but it is unlikely to happen even for the next major version.

In reply to by dimitrisKoum

My understanding is:

All Jack does is route is give you the ability to route the MIDI output of MuseScore to another program to handle the playback. Carla was mentioned as a good choice. You need to install that (or some other similar program that does VST) and then configure Jack to route the output of MuseScore to the program you installed. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

I'm only having marginal success with Carla. I can't get v2 to load any plugins at all (keeps telling me that the build of Carla can't load the plugin). Carla v1 works much better.

The problem is that I get note dropouts most of the time even with Carla. Every once and a while it works, and then keeps working, but after a reboot it typically goes back to having dropouts again.

I believe the problem is with the JackAudio port. It needs to be cleaned up by someone with Windows programming experience. The functionality works well every once and a while, but boy does JackAudio (and KxStudio, makers of Carla and Catia) mess with the Windows Explorer on Windows 7. You'll see things you've never seen on a Windows box before, like program icons in the system tray and during alt-tab navigation for processes that have long since been killed. It also doesn't do the requisite housecleaning for ASIO4All.

I'd like to see MuseScore move away from JackAudio midi support and output midi directly to the system. So far, the whole Jack thing has been very frustrating. At this point, I'd recommend sticking with SoundFonts.

In reply to by Postman

It sounds to me as though you are trying to load 32 bit plugins into the 64 bit version of Carla or vice versa.

That will not work!

And why are you using ASIO4ALL????? JACK has it's own JackRouter ASIO driver which is how you get software like Cubase or Sonar etc to connect to it. All ASIO4ALL does in the JACK context is stop JackRouter, and therefore ASIO in JACK from working altogether.

This is probably why you are getting MIDI dropouts.

There are no problems at all with Windows Explorer in either Windows 8 or 10, so I'm completely mystified as to why you should be having them in 7 - this could be a side effect of trying to use ASIO4ALL with it.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

"It sounds to me as though you are trying to load 32 bit plugins into the 64 bit version of Carla or vice versa."

I've tried both. Neither works. I don't know why. It's easier just to wait for the next release.

"And why are you using ASIO4ALL????? JACK has it's own JackRouter ASIO driver which is how you get software like Cubase or Sonar etc to connect to it."

Really? I use ASIO4ALL for Ableton Live. Also, all the information I could find instructs people to use that package. It shows up as Jack Router in both Live and all the standalone versions of the my Native Instrument plugins. I'll see if I can disable it. That may be the ticket. At least I can hope.

I don't believe the issues I'm seeing in Explorer should happen whether ASIO4ALL is enabled or not. One thing I've learned from programming in Microsoft environments is that you either do it exactly as Microsoft wants or you have problems. Never step off the primrose path! That's why I like LINUX coding more.

I'll report back.

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