Your PDF converter

• Jun 15, 2016 - 00:11

Dear MuseScore

Thank you very much!

Unfortunately there are some errors, especially in the first line of notes, where several tacts are too long. In such a tact one of the lines contain too many (too long) notes and the other lines are compensated with pauses. Also, there is a large empty rectangle before the note-lines start.

Maybe you can see this clicking on your ”result link”.

You probably are already aware of these weaknesses in your converter, and I wish you good luck with your ambitious project, which will be really useful.

Respectful greetings from

Fra: MuseScore []
Sendt: 14. juni 2016 21:51
Til: ta
Emne: Your pdf has been processed

Dear ta,

Your pdf 'Bryllupskor fra Lohengrin.pdf' has been converted.
Download the result from


The converter is actually a third party project called Audiveris, so if you would like to see improvement, you should report issues to them. But be sure to include the actual score you are having trouble with; otherwise there is little anyone can do to investigate a problem.

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