Musescore 1.1-N function quit

• Jul 21, 2011 - 12:56

I had this problem with version 1.0, so I downloaded 1.1. The N function worked great, and then this morning, it reverted back to the same problem I had with 1.0-hitting 'N' does not put the program in note entry mode,but simply selects note values. Also, hitting the letter names on my computer keyboard toggles note values. Since this is happening in both versions, is there anything I could be doing inadvertently to cause this?


I see in your previous description of the problem, you netion htting Esc twice to leave note entry mode. Why twice? I suppose it's possible the second press of Esc is putting you into some mode that doesn't respond to keystrokes. Are the menus greyed out, too? I've definitely seen that before. The solution in those cases is simple - just click somewhere in the score to activate the interface again. Whether or not that's it, have you tried clicking the N icon to get to Note Input mode? Is that non-functional too, or just the keyboard?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I thought I had to hit Esc 2x to get out of the mode. The menu is not greyed out. Hitting the N icon puts me back in the note entry mode, but the keyboard doesn't respond to translating letters into notes. So I am left with selecting the note value, and then via mouse placing the note on the staff. And other functions, like measure stretch, also don't respond.

In reply to by syattica

When this happens, what does opening Notepad (or some text editor) and typing do?

What happens when you select a note, and find the menu to add Staff Text (Ctrl-T), and try typing?

Do you have some keyboard enhancement driver installed, or some "ease of access" enabled?

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