Fingering issues

• Jun 24, 2016 - 20:46

1. When adding fingering (by selecting a note and double-tapping the palette glyph) I am usually left in a state where I must hit esc before being able to do anything else with the mouse -- select a note, scroll the display, etc. I can move the fingering just inserted via the arrow keys (useful) but the mouse is dead. This is a problem with tablet use, since I have just hidden the keyboard to expose the fingering palette. I must reopen the keyboard and hit esc before doing anything.

2. When adding string indicators (in circles), these appear at the top of the chord rather than next to the notehead. On guitar, if on a chord, this is rarely the right choice. Can this default be adjusted?

3. Can we add higher string numbers? Six is not the max in many contexts. And in general, what is the status of palette customization? I did a lot of these with MS1 but I seem to recall this was deprecated? I don't see an obvious mechanism for managing them in the UI.


1. I don't understand this. I don't see any need to press Esc after adding a fingering - I can click anywhere I like and it works as expected. Might be some strange interaction with your particular device? You should be in the exact same state you'd have been in had you simply clicked an existing fingering, and that's how it works for me.

2. Above was ther consensus suggested by most guitarists when this was hashed out a couple of years ago. See for instance No mention was made of a need to have different defaults for chords versus single notes, so nothng was implemented. However, you can easily reset the position to the true default (as per the text style) using the reset buttons in the Inspector.

3) Add as many as you like. Fingering is just plain text, can be edited like any other. Palette customization is now fully supported - see the Handbook under "Custom palettes".

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

1. Hmm, OK, this must be some peculiarity of my device's interface, though it is annoyingly consistent. I should have first tested it on another device. I now see that on a normal system this works as expected. If I can find any clue about why it is getting confused I will repost.

2. Thanks for pointing me to the fingering discussion. I regret having dropped out of circulation while this was going on. I will study the current implementation before shooting my mouth off again.

3. I apologize for missing the custom palettes section in the handbook, which believe it or not I looked for and failed to find. This looks great and will answer many of my needs.

Thanks much for the quick replies helping me get reoriented.

In reply to by spinality

No need for apologies; I'm happy to have been able to help. Meanwhile, if you *do* have further suggestions for fingering placement, feel free to start a new thread and we can see what might sense for 3.0. One of the biug focuses of that release is going to be improvements to layout to make it "smarter" and this is just the sort of thing that would fit in.

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