Weird graphical (svg and pdf) export of repetition sign

• Jul 2, 2016 - 10:48

Dear all,
Upgrade to 2.. delivered problem with repetition sign graphical export to pdf and svg (png is OK). See attached files.

Thank you for musescore

OS: Linux 3.13.0-37-generic #64-Ubuntu - Mint
MuseScore2 2.0.3, 3c7a69d

Attachment Size
skladba.mscz 2.48 KB
skladba.pdf 8.63 KB
skladba.svg 11.39 KB
skladba-1.png 40.35 KB


Indeed, looks you you have an incompatible version of one of MuseScore's internal fonts installed on your system. You should not install these fonts. If you have VBravura, MScore, MScore1, or Gonville installed, uninstall them. I believe certain Linux distributions had incorrectly configured packages for 1.3 that resulted in these fonts erroneously being installed, maybe you had used one of those bad packages.

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