Have barlines drawn according to local time signature?

• Jul 12, 2016 - 08:00

HI! I want to have 5/4 against 9/4 against 11/4; I figured out a way to do this: I created a 495/4 global time-signature (kudos for supporting this, MuseScore!) and then made the local time-sig of individual parts the desired sub-time, i.e., 5, 9, or 11. The only problem: the global time signature, not the locals, govern bar line placement, even in the individual part tabs. I can understand insisting that the global time-sig govern bar line placement in the master score (though it would be nice if it could be more flexible), but if I'm going to go to the trouble of giving a part a local time-sig, it would be nice if that part, in its own tab, observed that time-sig (which it does correctly display) for local bar line placement. Am I missing an extant way in which this is supported? If not, I'll submit a feature request. Thanks!



I am not quite understanding what you mean, but I suspect you are misunderstanding the purpose of local time signatures. It is not to allow different barline placements on different staves; it is to allow different *subdivisions* of each bar. So one staff can be in 4/4, another in 12/8, with measures eaxctly the same length.

I suspect what you are talking about iis differnet. You don't want want different subdivisions of equal-length measures, you want different *lengths* of measures with the same subdivision. So, don't use local time signatures. Instead, start with the 495/4 time signature as you currently have, but place additional barlines manually from the barlines palette.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

OK, that worked, thanks, but it is not clear from the Handbook that you can do that! Plus, if you have a lot to do (495 beats split into groups of 5 is 99 bars, i.e., 98 bar lines, and that's just for the 5/4 staff), it'd still be nice for the program to do it for you. But thanks for the "workaround"!

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