Graphics distress

• Jul 18, 2016 - 13:18

All the graphical elements are out of whack on my screen. i.e., its like what a fly would see while walking around on my screen! Everything (except the top menu, which is normal size) is magnified to huge. I zoomed out all the way to be able to see the blank staff. The menus show up normal size. The issue is unique to this program. Windows version runs OK.

I have: Mint 17.3 64-bit, 4 meg ram, AMD processor on an E-Machine.
The version of MS is AppImage for 64-bit. I had similar problem with 2.3.0 (Ubuntu)

I would appreciate any guidance!

Thank you


Sounds like perhaps MuseScore is having difficulty determing your monitor resolution. Anything unusual about your display configuration? Multiple monitors, unusual connections, etc? Workaround for now is to run with the "x" option, specifying a sclaing factor (like "-x 0.5" to scale things to half size).

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