
• Aug 4, 2016 - 09:36

There are some links in the handbook to "How-To" sections with more specific information for some problems. These links appear in the "External Links" sections and are marked (MuseScore How-To) or [MuseScore How-To]. For instance, in the Drum notation section there is a link to [[nodetitle:How to create jazz drum notation]] , and in the Transposition section there is a link to [[nodetitle:How to transpose]] .

Is there a way to find all the "How-to" articles in one place? Is there a list somewhere of the how-to articles which are relevant for 2.0 for instance? And if I would like to write a new how-to article, how would I do that?

The fact that the links appear in the "External Links" section indicates that the How-To articles are not part of the Handbook. I tried to search on the site a bit but did not really find much.



They are not part of the handbook, not in the PDF Version at least, whether they constitute external links is open to discussion: in the online handbook they don't leave, so can be considered internal, but in the PDF version they do leave the PDF and go out to the Internet, to, so clearly are external, as opposed to intra PDF links.

The fact that howtos is missing from the roght-hand side menu has been reported long ago, see #23440: Expose FAQ, Services, How Tos, Plugins

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