Multiple hairpins, one note

• Aug 6, 2016 - 02:11

It'd be really nice if we could put crescendo/decrescendo hairpins on a whole note. Not playback, just the notations without any workarounds.

I've actually seen a lot of instances where it would be very useful to have hairpins tied to beats in the measure, as opposed to notes. There would be a lot less fiddling if we could have them in the middle of held notes.



I support that. However if memory serves this is in the work for version 3. So patience!

In the meantime here is what I do:

- Add a second voice.
- Add notes into this voice that mark the rhythm you need (most of the time two notes half the value of the note in voice 1).
- Put in the two (or more?) hairpins using the second voice.
- Select the notes in the second voice, call up inspector and uncheck the "play" box and the "visible" box (make sure the hairpins don't become invisible as well, select only the notes).
- Delete any rests in the second voice.

Note: This will not be audible in playback (no crescendo/diminuendo in a single note is). But it will give you the correct appearance in the printed music and it will properly adjust to any change in layout.

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