First composition piece !

• Aug 16, 2016 - 17:18

Hey guys, sorry to barge in like this, but here's my first piece ever !…

Please blow the crap out of it. Thanks !


What exactly did you mean by Blow the Poop out of it?
If you want constructive criticism, well, I'll say you're getting there
Is this a WIP?
If not, I will say you have a few notating issues.
The main one I can see is that the last measure of the piece needs to have a double barline at the end.
Also, where you have two sixteenth rests side by side, you should notate that as one, eighth rest.

Another thing, Don't apologize for "Barging in". This is a forum. Everyone is encouraged in this section to show off their pieces they made with MuseScore. You are also free to critique other's pieces here.

In reply to by Elwin

"blow the crap out of it" is just a fighting game slang, since there whenever you lost to a player much more skilled than you it was called "getting blown up", so since i'm new in composing I'd expect for myself to do lots of mistakes and generally be a noob, therefore my composition gets "blown the crap out"

Also, thanks for link, never knew it existed xD

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