Time signatures get lost when pasted

• Aug 22, 2016 - 16:35

I have been trying to create a viola part to replace a cello part in a Brahms trio, the last movement of which moves thru *many* time signature changes.
First I entered the cello part into a one-instrument score, as it was originally designed (with its many clef and time signature changes). Then I copied it and pasted it into an empty viola score, changed all the clefs, and dealt with the notes that were out of the viola range. Unfortunately, after the first time signature, all further time signature changes were ignored and the result was a total, unfixable mess with 6/8 and 9/8 measures spilling over into 2/4 measures and poor, confused MuseScore vainly trying to compensate by changing note values.
I eventually was able to work around this by limiting my copy/paste operations to measures with a single time signature. (a very lengthy exercise!)
I thought you should know about this. It's not fatal and does not in any way diminish my appreciation for this superb program.


Instead of creating a new score, add an instrument to the existing score, save it under a new name then do your copy and paste and delete the first instrument when no longer needed.

MuseScore saves files in a form of MusicXML which doesn't encode the time signature for each bar individually, only signalling changes of time signature from one to another. The notes' duration and pitches are copied so when you paste into a new score you lose the time signature but when you paste to a new instrument within the same score the time signatures are already there. Not necessarily a bug, just a lack of a desired feature.

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