repeat within a measure

• Aug 24, 2016 - 18:11

I'm using Musescore under Linux. I have composed a song which starts with a one beat pickup, has 4/4 measure and needs to have a repeat after the third beat in a measure, because the last section again starts with a pickup. However, I cannot place the repeat at the appropriate place, it will always move to the next bar, where it would be messing up the song. If necessary, I'll write the repeat out, but I find that generally unnecessary and it will be space consuming if I want to place that song into a collection.
I helped myself now by giving one measure only 3 beats and then added another one with only one beat, but that's a bit awkward, so I hope there's an easier way.

I hope I could make myself clear. As I am German, I'm not 100% sure with the musical terms in English.

Thanks for any help!


in MuseScore 1.x and 2.0 you can drop a barline on a note rather than a measure (or select a note and double click the barline), this would place the barline just before that note, but it won't have the desired effect for playback, for that you indeed need to have irregular measures (here 3/4, end repeat barline, 1/4) and drop the repeat barline into the measure, so this 'awkward way' is the way to go.
In 3.0, once it gets released, dropping the barline on a note would automatically split the measure at that place and so will have the desitred playback.

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