Who will be performing my arrangement of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor?

• Aug 25, 2016 - 01:42

Hi everyone. I have made an arrangement of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor here: https://musescore.com/user/5012316/scores/2499906 And you can also check it out on Free-Scores: http://www.free-scores.com/download-sheet-music.php?pdf=94339

I need to know what orchestra or which of the most popular 3 soloists will be playing this piece. If you guys want to vote who the soloists might be playing the solo violin, viola, and cello part and what orchestra you want to vote to play this piece, Please comment below.

The attachment of this piece is below.

Attachment Size
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor.mscz 473.25 KB


Arianna, this isn't the forum section for a question like this. This forum section is for posts that specifically state a feature request for the next version of MuseScore.

The better section would be the "Made with MuseScore" forum section.

Just letting you know.

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