I am unable to type "h" and "e" in the lyrics

• Aug 28, 2016 - 22:43

So, I was mainly working on a score with lyrics. When I go to the word "Help" for some reason, it would only type "lp". I would try typing "H" "e", but it wouldn't work at all. This is a bit frustrating if you ask me, since it worked perfectly up until now. Here is the score.
Steps to recreate:
(1) Open the score
(2) Notice that I have words typed under the notes already.
(3) Under the empty note (the note without words underneath, type "help"
(4) notice how it won't type.

If this works for you, then let me know if my program is haywire.

Attachment Size
Problem_Test Help.mscz 9.19 KB


I am guessing you customized your shortcuts to make "H" and "e" perform some command or other. Just go back to Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts and reset these shortcuts.

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