imaginary bar line

• Aug 29, 2016 - 00:19

I just raised this question in the general discussion forum, and Marc Sabatella suggested I could make an official feature request.

I asked whether musescore did the following, and apparently it does not:

Is there an automatic feature so that notes are split at the imaginary bar line that divides a measure in half so that the third beat of 4/4 is clearly visible?

For example, dotted quarter followed by two tied eighth notes rather than a quarter note.

I don't know about Sibelius or Finale, but Band in a Box does this, and it is very convenient.



In fact, the beaming behaviour is fairly flexible (you can modify it by right-clicking on the time signature and selecting 'Time Signature Properties'), but it does not appear capable of splitting durational elements when they span beat 2 to beat 3. No matter how I configure the beaming in the time sig properties dialogue, that quarter following the initial dotted quarter won't split (unless I set the beaming to 'all flags/no beams', of course). It is possible to override this behaviour manually (see example below), but that's not what you want.

beaming illustration.png

To file an official Feature Request, you need to create it in the 'Issue Tracker' (look on the right side of your window under the "Activity" near the top of the page). In the header section, you will see a number of drop-down boxes. For "Category", select "Feature request". Leave the other drop-downs in their default state for now, and fill in the details of your request in the title and description fields.

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