Zooming In AND missing bar lines

• Aug 28, 2011 - 01:59

My Zoom function has worked before - I have Windows7, and Muse. 1.1 - today it froze completely. I uninstalled the program, and reinstalled it. But it's still like a vision test. Control - Mouse wheel doesn't work. Changing the percentage also does nothing. It has the entire page showing on the screen, so it's too tiny to see.
Also, from what I can see anyway, even though it's always given me barlines, it now has occasional barlines. As you can see from my screenshot - there are 3 bars worth of whole rests, 2 normal bars, 4 measures worth of whole rests without bars, 2 normal bars. On and on.
I find nothing that says anyone else is having this problem. I don't understand why it's worked for me before, but now that I'm in the middle of a time-sensitive project, it's died on me. I Googled the zooming problem, and it doesn't even come up on Google.
And I guess with those 2 issues, the fact that in Note Entry mode, it won't allow me to enter any notes is the least of my worries. It's not as if I'd be able to see where they were going or if I'd made any mistakes anyway.
Any ideas other than hiring a person to write out my parts for me by hand?

Attachment Size
Musescore Mess.JPG 57.34 KB


Go to Display -> Navigator.
What you are see is the navigator and not the score. You can also reduce the size of the navigator by dragging the top edge.

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