further be able to change drum notation

• Sep 2, 2016 - 09:21

Would it be possible to further change the drum notation in musescore
I've been wanting to show open hi-hats as a normal hi-hat with an "o" on top
I've had to change the overall position of the open hi-hat, but I still have to put an "o" over each note which can be a hassle.


I second this change - although the "circle with an X inside" symbol is often used for open hat notation, the "o on top" is also a frequent requirement.

In reply to by Rudi-UK

In doing some reading I have found that the ouvert symbol is utilized for such a thing: I don't think the playback will accommodate this unless you pull some strings with your drumming palette: get the open hi-hat note to be the same symbol and on the same staff line as the closed hi-hat and then apply an ouvert, and then for convenience purposes copy and paste them. I think this might be what you guys were wanting. It's in the Articulations and Ornaments palette.


It would be nice if there was a standard drumming option for open hi-hats so that it wouldn't require the extra step of having to add the ouvert if the user wanted them to appear this way. The drum editor would have to have a notehead that read like "Cross + Above Ouvert"

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