Main Window disappears After selecting File to Open

• Sep 9, 2016 - 12:32

MuseScore 2.0.3 had worked like a charm for a while but all of a sudden whenever I tried to open a new file that I had previously worked on, it showed no errors but the Main Window showing sheet music never popped up anymore. I use 2 x 24 inch screens when I plug my laptop in at home and once I started scrolling through the MuseScore2.ini file I realised that under [MainWindow], pos=@Point(2153 -51) was showing as position. I then assumed perhaps that the main window was actually miles away from the center of the screen and out of view. After changing the position in the .ini file and re opening MuseScore I finally had my main window back.

Is it possible in the next version, that when exiting MuseScore, the opening position of all the starting screens and main window could be set to default which is saved in the .ini file so that when reopening, it will always be in the middle of the main screen?

Thanks, Otherwise brilliant Software so far!


The problem with off screen window positions will be fixed in 3.x (see #119376: unify save/restore window positions amongst other issues that address this).

The solution is not quite the way you proposed, but as follows: Window positions are always stored at their current positions. If upon loading those settings (next launch) the window would end up past the available desktop area, it is positioned at (0,0) the top left corner of the primary screen.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I've done some fixes for 2.0.4, but mostly regarding minimized/maximized state of the mainwindow.
Using the geometry-approach means disregarding the existing 2.0.3 settings, so one can argue that the .ini-files that store this info aren't fully compatible then.
We might just build a manual boundary check for MainWindow, after which the reset dialog positions plugin could be made compatible.

If this happens on windows, you can bring back the window on screen with max 4 simple keystrokes (WindowsKey+left/right). I presume other window managers have similar shortcuts available as well?

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks jeetee. The windows shortcut worked and taught me a trick or 2 that work nicely in Win10. I guess since I use different sized screens all the time, it would be difficult to find the center each time. The 0, 0 positioning is the easiest solution as default but then everything would end up in the top left corner. Of course if this were the case with the Main Window which was positioned top left and maximized it would be a perfect solution. This is of course personal preference and you have thousands of users with different circumstances.

Nonetheless, your response has prompted an urge to work on my Excel VBA payroll system and make it more user friendly :)

Thanks again & happy developing.

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